I Got My Wisdom Teeth (All 4) Taken Out! 🦷🦷🦷🦷

Wisdom Teeth Extraction - YouTube -Here is some info on wisdom teeth.

From 2016-2019, my wisdom teeth were growing in.  From since about 2019,they have caused me a great sense of pain and more so discomfort.  After 4+ years of agitation, I finally got them removed!  In January, I scheduled for my consultation in which they took an x-ray and the surgeon did a quick examination, then I scheduled my operation for Monday, April 4, 2022.

 On Monday 4/4/2022, I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out.  It was a quite quick and int
eresting process.  I got up in the morning, got ready as usual and put on something comfy.  I then left and went to the office, checked in, then used the bathroom, and waited in the waiting room until they called me into the operating room.  I took my hat off in which I kept my bandana on because my hair is in cornrows and took my glasses off and hung my hat & purse on the door hooks.  Next they asked a me a few questions, explained what I can and can't eat after the surgery, and instructed my to sign some papers.  I read them through and did that.  I waited about 5 minutes for the surgeon and his assistants to come back in.  He closed the door and commenced the operation.  He started by putting the gas tube over my nose.  Then he put the IV catheter in my arm.  Before he put that, the assistant asked me to roll up my left sleeve, then she tied the rubber ribbon around my left arm.  The surgeon told me to make a fist and I told him please be gentle inserting the needle because I hate the feeling of needles going into my arm.  It just felt like a little pinch like he said.  I laid back and relaxed myself because I was trying to time myself to see how long it would take for me to fall asleep and knock out! LOL  All I remember is seeing the assistants and the surgeon preparing for the procedure...

Then BOOM!

Next thing you know, I opened my eyes and saw the assistant waking me up.  I do remember coughing a lot when I woke up.  I remember asking her a question a few times but can't actually remember what the question was!  I already had my glasses & my hat on and she walked me to the room where my Mom was waiting for me.  She explained to my Mom the medicine I have to take and the foods I should eat.  (My Mom drove me there and back home.  It was required of her to wait in the waiting room for the whole procedure.)  The assistant let us out through a back entrance and we went down the elevator and to her car.  

Before leaving for my appointment

 While we were walking to her car, I remember I asked my Mom "What's my name?"  And then I asked her "What's your name?"  LOL She said "You know what my name is."  That was really funny.  Then proceeded to repeatedly ask her where my nephew was, and once I asked where my brother was.  I would keep asking "Where's [my nephew's name]?  *a few seconds later* Where's [my nephew's name]?"  And she would say "He's at school."  Then I would ask "Where's [my brother's name]?"  Then she answered "He's at work."  Then I asked if she was picking up my brother and my nephew and she said "No, we're going home."  I asked her if my nephew was okay and she told me yes.  I don't know why I said that while I was half-conscious but I guess I was thinking and worried about them subconsciously.  I also remember on the drive home she was talking to someone on the phone and I kept saying loudly  to her "No cheese!  No cheese!  Tell her no cheese!" LOL I don't know what was going on in my mind!

We finally got home after she made a brief stop at the pharmacy to pick up my meds. I washed my hands, took my bloody gauzes out my mouth, used the bathroom, then put my PJs back on. My Mom made mashed potatoes and then I took my pain meds and took a nap.  Shortly before that, I started feeling the pain creeping up.  I had to keep my mouth open while I was laying down.  I was feeling a weird tingling sensation going all the way down to my toes. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

In the waiting room

Bathroom selfie, lol (You can tell I was excited)

I woke up about 2 hours later and I was feeling a lot better.  I spent the rest of the day in bed on my computer or watching TV.   I couldn't shower that night (I usually like to shower before going to bed) because they said no rinsing, spitting, or showers/baths for 24 hours.

That night, my face started swelling up and when I woke up Tuesday morning, my face was VERY swollen.  I don't think I want to show pictures of myself like that.  Lol  But it was a quite interesting experience.  My face stayed (visibly) swollen for about 4 days.   The left side of my face was protruding more than my right, however I felt more pain on the right side. I didn't feel much pain up until Thursday.  And I would say the pain was the worst Friday-Sunday.  I had meds for pain, swelling, and anti-bacteria infections that I was taking.  I stopped taking the prescribed pain meds and took regular Motrin pills instead because the prescribed pain meds were making me feel dizzy and bloated.  At one point I started feeling nauseous .  Plus, I find the Motrin pills worked better along with chewing gum, both of which the assistant said I was permitted to do. 
Me & my dog chillin' later that night-It might be hard to see but there was minimal swelling in this

I also wasn't able to brush my teeth until Friday because my mouth was practically swollen shut. I make sure to brush very gently, especially near where the extractions were.

I was bleeding a lot from time to time too.  Then eventually it stopped after about a week.

Wisdom tooth x-ray

All in all, I stayed home all week that week.  I didn't start walking my dog again until Friday to which I would only do short 15-minute walks to avoid feeling weak and potentially collapsing.  Then slowly I started back my chores (laundry, dishes, etc.)  

I have to say this was a positive & very interesting experience for me.  As of now, as a 2-week post-operation, I can start gargling with regular Listerine mouthwash again.  For the past two weeks, I was gargling with salt water as instructed.  I'm still doing it now for another week after I eat because the holes haven't closed up all the way yet.  The swelling has gone down all the way on the right side and on the left side, it's only a little tiny bump on my gum now.  I don't feel it nor does it bother me.  I'm still eating soft foods like rice, mashed potatoes, eggs & bread because I don't feel I'm ready to eat harder foods yet.  My mouth is still sensitive.  And unfortunately, as a result, I've gained a little bit of weight due to eating a lot of starchy foods.  (I have lost weight since the beginning of this year.)  I will start back exercising soon once my body feels ready.
